Friday, June 4, 2010

Gabriel Arthur

Gabriel Arthur and James Needham were sent by Abraham Wood in 1673 on an expedition through the Piedmont Mountains. James Needham was killed. Gabriel Arthur is often cited as the "first white man" to set foot in what is now Kentucky. Gabriel Arthur, or a male descendent also named Gabriel Arthur, married a Cherokee woman named Nikitie "Hannah". I descend from their daughter Martha Arthur, who married Alexander Lester, their daughter Martha married John Drake, and they are my gggg-grandparents. Although Gabriel is famous in Colonial history, we know very little about him. I am trying to "dig him up" from wherever he is buried. (see link above painting)


  1. I am a descendant of Gabriel Auther and Nikitie this blood line come from my great grandmothers side who lived in Weat Virginia.

  2. I would like to find out more info and who else is related to Gabriel Arthur and Nikitie.

  3. My gggggg grandparents were Abner Alexander Lester
    and Martha Rebecca Arthur. Please Email me at I would love to know more about my roots. I have been crazy into searching for some time and it really felt good to find someone else who actually found a link. Thank you for all of your work.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow!!! My seventh great grandparents were Abner Alexander Lester and Martha Rebecca Arthur, the daughter of Gabriel Arthur and Nikitie. I would love to give you some information. My great great great grandmother was a Lester. I'm a member of and few years from generation to generation my family had talked about the Native Americans. I have several lines that led to the Native Americans in my family tree. Thank you for your hard work. You can contact me at Thanks a million.

  6. I just found out YESTERDAY that we are descended from Gabriel and Ni-ki-tie through Abner and Patsy and their daughter Hannah who married Jeremiah Skaggs. Needless to say, this has been a huge revelation! No one in our family had the slightest idea that we had any connection to the Cherokees and I have been very excited. I found a source that said the Gabriel who married Ni-ki-tie (who was the daughter of Attakullakulla "Little Carpenter"' and Ollie Nionee Oconostota, of the Ani'-Wa'Ya [Wolf] Clan) was the son of the frontiersman Gabriel, who would have been about 65 when his son was born. Since I am just beginning to delve into this, I'm sure I'll run into many, many discrepancies and suppositions, but the possibilities are intriguing. My line runs from the Skaggs through 3 generations of Olingers, to Smith, to Anthony. We've all been in Virginia for about 300 years now!

  7. My name Donald Arthur. I've been searching my roots mainly on my dad's side. I was born in Middlesboro Kentucky. My dad's roots go back to West Virginia and in turn Virginia. During my quest I came across your quest. I understand what you say when say that your spins with the different paths to follow and what the truth really is. There definitely more than one Gabriel Arthur, I have little proof, though some, I don't know if you can real or not.
    I believe that the first Gabriel Arthur came from Scotland through England to Tide Water Virginia. He may have been directly from the high lands of Scotland and the Clan Arthur or Mac Arthur. I have, so far, come to think that he was the reason that where the Scottish and the Irish arm of the Clan Arthur came to settle in the areas where he explored. I have yet to prove this.
